February 14, 2009

Reaction to Porkulus Bill

It didn't take long. We now see average Americans trying to get their share of this trillion dollar porkulus bill.

I thought this bill was suppose to create jobs. Oh wait... I see the logic now. As one person quits another gets their job. Good plan!
MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A restaurant worker was accused of trashing the place in an attempt to get fired and collect unemployment compensation. A criminal complaint filed Thursday said a 35-year-old man showed up at a Qdoba restaurant and started throwing brownies and cookies on the floor.

The man then went into the kitchen and threw pots and pans around, then went into a storage area and threw boxes of hot sauce on the floor.

Police said the man told them he was trying to get fired and couldn't collect unemployment if he simply quit.
Well that's not true anymore. I now understand this bill includes a provision allowing people to quit a job and still get unemployment if they quit for a "compelling family reason."

Serving brownies all day could be cause of serious mental anguish which in turn could cause problems at home.

This is unbelievable.

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